Wednesday 13 April 2011

now swiftly f*** OFF!

I'm not being rude.

The title is sort of a private joke of profanities between me and one little follower out there ... you know who you are ;)

But these necklaces are the dogs bollocks.

How quaint ! How sweet! until further inspection...

*if you go sneeking around through your grannies old jewellery whilst shes getting 40 winks and you find one of these do let me know*

they cateer for the typical girly girl aswell but c'mooooon everyones got a little naughty they gotta let expose sometimes ;)


  1. Haha these are brilliant, a sweet little piece and a nice bit of cursing ;)
    Naughty but nice!x

  2. I want the "Kiss my ass" one

