Wednesday, 9 March 2011

as Natalie Imbruglia once said 'I'm already torn'

Torn between a life of Prada, Swarovski crystals... skinny lattes and even skinnier models


following a dream that involves tales of happiness , not of the fashion vibe but of the wholesome kind.

I go away a fair bit when I can and my summer will be spent back in latino land meeting people from all walks of life -students just like myself, local bartenders, hippies and even heiresses to Darling Harbour real estate right through to homeless footbal hooligans and world champion swing dancers.

(yeah I know, I get around. I have plenty of stories you can ask me about.)

My point being living out of a backpack and trekking it round some truly scabby parts of the world seems to make me happy. Shocking, yes for a girl who raves about catwalks and latest make up trends.

I hear ya - we're not here to read a 'dear diary' entry sweetarrt - but sometimes I don't think this industry is all its cracked up to be. I went to a trend forecasting agency merely 2 weeks ago to find a bunch of 10 sat at desks in total silence, I've worked with models that have more problems than Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan put together and don't even get me started on the rewards of back pain from carting around huge cases of make up, tongs and hair spray.

Its been fun, and I've learnt so much already- (and here comes a but) BUT working in fashion isn't sparkles glitz and glam ... its the image, that one shot - it takes all day, you've rammed up a 8GB card and your probably going to have to spend a good few hours on retouch. That split second and all that prep... I take my hat off (and I have quite the collection) to anyone who can carry that on for 10 maybe even 20 years.

I have no doubt at all that I will continue my blog with tales of many many fashion happiness moments (infact I have one lined up for tomorrow ...all I'm saying is IM BLAAARRRDY EXCITED...oh and I have an exclusive for the day after that also - so yes, blogging is still very much on my agenda)

I guess what I'm trying to say is - fashion is suppose to be fun , lets not take it so seriously, chill out, be creative and have a good time...even though it feels like its the end of the world when I'm raging 'I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR TONIGHT!!!!' its really not.

 Anyway if you've made it this far into the post... well done! I shall try my very hardest to bring you far worthier fashion happiness in the very near future.

So yeah... peace <3

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