Thursday, 3 March 2011

I guess thats why they call it the blues.

3 blog posts on the 3rd of the 3rd. I've got alot of opinions hey.

this one is about my ongoing love for POP...

randomly rocking out with a bit of Elton on the Ipod and about an hour later his face graces before me on the front cover of my fav bi annual! Theres a weird interlinking article with him and Jessie J

(or Jessie James as my mum calls her - dont ask.)


  1. Hello! We have the issue in hand now, from page one to the end the Peggy Guggenheim edition of POP magazine is a magnificent work of art♥ We are so proud to be part of it!

    Sir Elton John is a true artist and makes wonderful more wonderful. He intensifies the experience of Mercura NYC for Mercura Sunglasses with his fabulous clothes and entrancingly beautiful self. Thank you for the posting.

    P.S. The Louise Gannon Interview with Elton John inside POP the Peggy Guggenheim Issue is special and should be seen by all.
