How slack am I then??
November was my last post - that really is not acceptable (slap on the wrist for me) and so here I am, make a vow that I shall update my blog far more regularly than in recent weeks.
Half way through the fashion styling course HURRRRAHHHH and its all going pretty well - we've just finished the sustainable fashion unit and to be perfectly honest what a load of (expletives)
Now I can say that because its not like this blog would be considered for some prestigious blogger award (do they do awards?...googling as we speak...OH THERE IS A BLOGGER AWARDS THING - totally voting for myself hahaha , ya know, just for kicks, never know where it might lead - not that I'm encouraging you to do the same but should)
where was I? oh yes sustainable fashion - I don't care.
(and if there was a part of me that once did care all feelings of caring definitely left my body when I once wore a £7000 Fendi fur coat designed exclusively by my homeboy Karl)
Don't get me wrong I feel bad about all of this. Third world labouring, harsh chemical dying of fabrics intoxicating us all, animal slaughter...
uuuuur ok I do care a bit, guilt pangs are a going.
ANYWAY THERE IS A POINT - and the point is when I was filling out my UCAS form at college I did not sign up for saving the planet through fashion - but if this is going to be a part of my future then I best man up and rise to the challenge...
SO , here goes.
I like a good charity shop find, a bit of originality, a good baaaargain... this could save the planet right?
because if we all bought SOMETHING second hand each season rather than that copy cat highstreet buy that everyone will be wearing, we can put money into not only a good cause but aid the slowing down of fast fashion which at its best could stop issues liiiike sweat shops and chemical plantations. Its something to think about, theres progress in it ya know.
Its a bit of a taboo using the C word to describe a brilliant fashion buy, but lets hold virtual hands and say it together -ready...
its not so bad
and to prove this my sustainable fashion project jumped out at me in the form of glittery jackets , taffeta dresses and patent 1950s prom shoes
- soooo , here is the outcome :a bunch of hot girls making it okay for you to shop charity ;)
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